STEM newsletter

Looking ahead to STEM 8.0

30 July 2007

Software development, like any product development process, requires attention on many levels. First of all there is routine maintenance, where minor improvements are made and the occasional bug fixed. And then there are regular upgrades, where new features are added to an existing product platform. In the background, you keep an eye on the market and listen to your customers’ feedback, developing a picture of a new product beyind the scope of whatever upgrades you might make to the current vehicle.

So our recent feature review has identified some fundamental attributes of STEM which we propose to review in a STEM version 8.0, tentatively scheduled for release in April 2009. First of all, we will re-design the underlying data model for STEM to allow a wider range of drivers, in principle an anything-drives-anything model. In parallel, we propose a wide-ranging review of the Editor interface, focusing on usability and flexibility, in conjunction with a complete re-working of the results selection logic for graphs. We will also further update the service model to accommodate traffic profiles and priority classes.

If I can think it, then do it!

Due to the way the current STEM model has evolved, there is significant diversity in the way that relationships between elements are captured. For the user (and especially the novice), this translates into puzzling inconsistencies about how things work and what can and cannot be done.

For example, I can link two Transformations together in a chain, converting from voice Erlangs to channels to bandwidth with two separate multipliers; whereas I cannot link two Market Segments together, except by writing a formula. And I can’t drive one Resource from another without creating an intermediate Transformation. It would be more intuitive for anything to be able to drive anything (as far as possible), and for STEM to automate the actual calculations, as it does for the current specific relationship types.

We have determined that rationalising this data-model diversity is actually the key to being able to create truly ‘re-useable templates’, i.e. model fragments which could be wrapped up with a formal interface of inputs and outputs and then wired up directly in other models as an icon. This approach would be far more flexible and intuitive than the current template replication model (where you essentially have to anticipate and parameterise all possible relationships in advance).

Directly linked Market Segments and Resources

We may also change the default basis for links between Services and Resources, and for Transformation inputs, to be ‘none’, so that you would be forced to make an explicit choice when linking these elements. This would rule out a current source of errors where the silent default is simply inappropriate.

Traffic profiles and service priority classes

And if that all sounds rather generic and cerebral, then more concretely, we also aim to add further sophistication to the modelling of traffic. For all service types, we will add 24-hour traffic profiles as an option for aggregating busy-hour traffic across multiple services. In fact we may re-visit the terminology to replace busy hour with busy period. In the data world, five minutes may be a more appropriate sampling period for peak dimensioning, so Prop. of Traffic in Busy Hour may become Prop. of Traffic in Busy Period, and we may reduce Annual to Busy-Hour Unit Ratio simply to Traffic Unit Ratio.

For data services in particular, we hope to be able to implement QoS classes which will capture to an order of magnitude the extent to which low-priority services such as email and Web browsing may piggyback on slack capacity over time from higher-priority services like VoIP.

Slack capacity for lower-priority services

New-look streamlined Editor interface

We have received a multitude of comments about the interface for data entry in STEM, mostly focused around how it differs from Excel. Our challenge is to assess these differing opinions and then to conceive an improved design which will win more widespread support and not just introduce further confusion. Details which we will consider range from the overall presentation style, possible use of tabbed dialogs and so on, through to the microscopic details like how to select fields, how to access time-series parameters, and whether you should need to press <Enter> before moving to another edit.

The position of data dialogs may be saved so that they would be restored on opening a model, and possibly even when switching views, and also preserved after an undo.

The user should be given more control over the order of elements in tables in the Editor, and have the option to sort the names alphabetically. We may also rationalise the use of names and labels, e.g. to allow an element’s ‘name’ to be part of its data and linked from Excel (although this functionality would be removed for run-time models). If distinct labels are retained, then they need to be adjusted for template replication in the same way that replicated names are currently qualified with individual variant names (‘Service 1’ becomes ‘Service 1 / Variant 1’).

In similar vein, it should be possible to re-order user data, and to insert additional rows.

Finally, we are receiving requests for alternative logistic models, annual growth models, cubic splines, and so on, and so we will extend the existing range of time-series types (alternative parameterisations, such as S-Curve and Interpolated Series), and possibly allow the user to add their own formulations.

Various annual-growth models

Since the ‘time-series’ is also used as our generic data type for scenario and template variant data, we may add other non-time-series types in order to facilitate the direct definition of variants for inputs such as Price Lists, Input-Output Mappings and Transformation Inputs. (At present such alternatives must be coded indirectly using parallel Multiplier Transformations to enable the desired variant.)

Accelerated results selection and development

Following the introduction of snapshot and tornado charts into the STEM 7.1 Results program, we are not planning any significant changes to the results interface in 7.2 (instead focusing on the new export of model results to Excel). However, it is already clear that the results selection logic could be radically improved in two specific dimensions.

First of all, the user is currently overloaded with an enormous and hard-to-navigate selection of charts and results. The selection process could be improved with a hierarchical selection of charts (by element type), and simplified with tabs for user-defined favourite graphs and most-recently-selected charts. Selecting the elements first would also reduce the number of graphs to choose from. Options such as the graph format and showing as a table should also be accessible when selecting a pre-defined graph to draw, as they are with the current Draw New command (if only as a button in one of the dialogs).

Secondly, it should be possible to modify the selections of scenarios, elements and results on an existing chart, and also to ‘clone’ new charts from an existing chart as a better starting point than going back to the general lists. The current chain of ‘model’ dialogs used to draw a graph could be replaced with persistent, floating windows defining the current default selections. Any individual chart would then provide an alternative set of selections to the current floating lists.

Floating selections for an existing chart

Both of these enhancements would radically simplify the process of creating charts in STEM, and simultaneously accelerate the process of selecting results for export. We might also refine the results ‘view’ concept, adding a New View command and options to update views automatically as you switch between them, to avoid ‘losing’ graphs which you have drawn but not explicitly fixed into the current view. Finally, if we adopt ‘tabbed dialogs’ for data entry in the Editor, then it would be consistent to use the same visual device for both Editor and Results views. This would make the existence of views more evident to fellow workers, and also provide a single-click interface to any view.

An obvious next step would be to integrate both types of view into a common application interface, but that might just be too radical for STEM 8.0.

A picture of success

We are ‘thinking out loud’ and value your input

Like the preceding article outlining features for STEM 7.2, the ideas set out above are only indicative of our current thinking and may differ from what we decide to do later. The intention again is to share our ideas at the earliest stage in order to stimulate further discussion, and to gain feedback from our customers on the overall directions indicated.

You can discuss these topics with us directly at the STEM User Group Meeting, 19–20 September 2007 at Corpus Christi college in Cambridge, UK.

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