
Results browsing reimagined in STEM 7.5

31 January 2016

A quick preview of the general approach and new capabilities

The process for drawing graphs in STEM has changed, now starting from elements and then working through results to scenarios, in a tabbed interface which intentionally blurs the distinction between element types to enable a more streamlined experience.

A typical desire when you start a model is to draw results for service demand and revenue, resource units and capex – this is more straightforward in STEM 7.5 as the selection of elements and also graphs is no longer separated by type. From the Graph/Draw menu, you can select (in just two screens) which elements you want to graph first, and then select the graph(s) you want to draw. A similar approach applies when you choose directly which results you want via Graph/Draw New. The lists of elements and results can be filtered to make it easier to select the results you want. In STEM 7.5 it is now possible to draw results for different element types on the same graph (e.g., both service and resource Operating Charge).

The addition of a separate Variants tab provides more intelligent choice of which element/variant combinations you want to display on a particular graph when working with template replication.

A separate Scenarios tab allows you to select specific scenarios for display on a graph, made easier with a new dimensional view which enables you to select related scenario combinations across a given dimension with a single click. The new Slice feature enables you to quickly change between different scenarios or elements for the same graph, or between combinations of both. It is also possible to edit selections for a graph in situ, and to clone a new graph starting from an existing one.

Altogether, these features make for a leaner and more satisfying results interface in STEM 7.5.

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