STEM 7.2d is fully compatible with models created in earlier 7.2 releases and includes the following updates.
Rubbish in the legend of charts when results are produced in opaque mode
Issue: STEM will calculate allocated cost results for services, broken down
by individual resource, if you set Cost Breakdown = Opaque or Transparent in the
global Other Details dialog. So-called secondary services can be used to group and
optionally mask all costs from a 'lower' tier. In order to see what costs are allocated
to a primary service from a secondary service, the latter can be selected when drawing
a service allocated cost chart, so long as you select the 2D option. While the correct
data is graphed, the legend labels could go wrong if more than one such secondary
service were selected on the same chart.
Action: The (rather involved) logic has been corrected.
Cost-allocation circularity issue with Time Lag transformation
Issue: A Time Lag transformation could be used, in principle, to avoid a
demand circularity (e.g., where the existing installation of a resource must influence
the subsequent demand for that resource for some reason), but delaying the demand
is not enough to remove the corresponding circularity when it comes to cost allocation.
A separate cost-allocation input for a time-lag transformation was specifically
added (April 1996) to solve this kind of problem, but was previously undocumented
due to the tentative nature of the addition.
Action: The extra input is finally revealed, now that it has been tested
properly and the relevant user-interface actions tided up (especially with regard
to drag-and drop).
Results program hangs on Vista or W7 drawing chart with complex legend
Issue: Recent trainees will have seen the results program lock-up in exercise
9 of the WiMAX-DSL training course at the point where you are asked to graph NPV
for multiple scenarios (each of which has a rather long name).
Action: A subtle flaw in the text-layout code for the legend (only exposed
on Vista or Windows 7) has now been fixed.
Scale for difference chart not saved in workspace
Issue: The maximum value on the x-axis for a horizontal bar chart or tornado
chart was not restored correctly from a results workspace file if the maximum had
been set manually to differ from the automatic value.
Action: The code has been fixed to set the type of chart first (which resets
the axes) before restoring the axis values.
Squared-line chart goes awry if a chart only has one category
Issue: The squared-line chart format ('a line chart which does not interpolate')
was originally coded on the assumption that there would always be at least two periods
on a chart. However, if the run period data for a working-model chart is unavailable
after results are updated (e.g., after running selected scenarios without the working
model), then a single emergency period is used to show the #N/A values. As an alert
user spotted, this had bizarre consequences for any squared-line format charts.
Action: The squared-line chart format is now coded more defensively: such
a chart will simply go blank temporarily in the obscure scenario outlined above!
User-data results definitions for all standard element types
Issue: Derived results were pre-defined in DEFAULT.CNF for the first ten
user-data fields for resources, services and transformation, but not for the simpler
elements like locations, market segments and cost indices.
Action: User 1 - User 10 are now pre-defined for all standard elements. It
remains an exercise for the user to add further definitions for subsequent user
data if these are ever required in practice.
Crash when copy two interpolated series for function mappings
Issue: An exception could occur in the Mappings dialog (blue link from a
service) for a function with two resources if you were to select and copy the two
time-series buttons and then attempt to paste this data into an equivalent dialog
for another function.
Action: The required interface re-generation is now deferred until the paste
operation is completed for all fields in the target selection.
Long view name truncated in results caption
Issue: The results program main-window caption shows the names of the workspace,
configuration, loaded results sets, and the current view; but all current versions
of Windows limit the complete text to 160 characters. The current view name would
not be displayed at all if adding it would exceed this limit.
Action: The view name is now trimmed to fit with a trailing ellipsis if it
would be otherwise too long.
External database S-curve exception
Issue: Linking defaults for a STEM element from an Access database could
generate a memory exception if the external query included a time-series defined
as an S-curve. A few current atttributes were also missing from the sample Access
database which is supplied with STEM (to demonstrate this functionality).
Action: The code has been fixed and the missing attributes re-instated.
Scroll bug with laptop track-pad
Issue: Using the scoll action on a laptop track-pad would scroll the main
view window in the Editor, even if an icon menu were displayed.
Action: This appears to be a bug in the track-pad design, but a simple code
amendment has been made to ignore the spurious scroll messages.
No clear way to determine if a dependent of a field varied by template varies too...
Issue: An element referred to by a template parameter will be implicitly
replicated, but this is not reflected in the associated colour block unless the
element is added to the template as an explicit replicant.
Action: The colour block now includes all implicit replicants too.
Exporting globals to Excel seems to reset the pre-run installation flag to No....
Issue: The global pre-run installation flag was by accident not included
in the export at all, which is why it would revert to the default value when 'linked
back' from Excel.
Action: The flag is now exported and everything works as expected.
Normal click to de-select the only selected sensitivity
Issue: Once you have selected a single sensitivity to run (from the Editor)
or draw (in the results), it is not immediately obvious that you can use the standard
Windows <Ctrl+click> combination if you subsequently want to de-select that
Action: We have added a non-standard but helpful special case condition to
allow a normal single click to de-select the last selected sensitivity in either
Results charts messed up after adding an element to a template
Issue: The set of elements presented on a chart appear to randomly change
after an element was added to a template.
Action: Prolonged investigation revealed a flaw in the way a results workspace
tracks changes to the structure of a model, and this has now been remedied. The
results program may now prompt you to save a results workspace file, even if you
have not changed any charts, simply to preserve its updated awareness of structural
changes in the Editor such as new or renamed elements.
Update master WiMAX-DSL .SMW file
Issue: Exporting results to Excel could fail for one or two charts where
the element names in the workspace file were out of date (as per #3150).
Action: The master workspace file for the WiMAX-DSL model pre-installed with
STEM has been corrected. Note: one minor error persists in that the case of a name
in a results workspace will not be updated if it is changed only in case in the
Editor; e.g., "My Service" to "My service". This manifests as
(a) the wrong case shown on charts, and (b) results export failing for this element.
The logic will be fixed and tested prior to the next release.
The following issues were addressed in the earlier STEM 7.2c maintenance release,
31 January 2011.
Various refinements for results export to Excel
Issue: If you asked the export to insert toolbar definitions, it would unnecessarily
(and confusingly) prompt as to whether these should be created in a new sheet.
Action: It now assumes (without prompting) that the toolbar definitions should
go in a new sheet. It also copies the current config (.CNF) name into the StemConfigRelativeFilename
cell of the toolbar definitions sheet.
Results export with consolidation
Issue: The original export of results to Excel would always show results
in quarters and months, even if they were consolidated to annual values in the Results
Action: The optional ConsolidationMode parameter is now included in the exported
StemGetResult() formulae, and a new toolbar definitions sheet will have its StemConsolidationMode
cell set to match the option currently selected in the Results Program.
Installer should mention STEM program group on the Start menu
Issue: A few users were uncertain how to run STEM after completing the installation.
Action: The final screen of the installation wizard now mentions that a STEM
program group has been placed on the Start menu.
Sum over all scenarios
Issue: A client had an unusual requirement to calculate results summed over
all the scenarios defined in a model.
Action: The StemGetResult() function for Excel now sums over all scenarios
if you enter "*" as the scenario parameter.
This special value should be used with extreme care, as it depends on all scenarios
being up to date to work correctly. Please contact support for advice if you think
you might need it but are unsure of the interpretation.
‘Updating n’ message should never go negative!
Action: A benign error in the user-interface status reporting for updating
multiple formulae or external links has been fixed.
WebEx sends Unrecognised STEM app message 0 to results program
Issue: The Results Program would report this (harmless) message multiple
times on start-up if the WebEx desktop-sharing client was also running.
Action: The message filter within the Results Program has been refined to
ignore this class of external message. In addition, it appears that a new WebEx
update pushed out in January 2011 no longer uses the message which caused the problem.
Re-brand after transition to Implied Logic
Action: The STEM 7.2c software is branded as Implied Logic; notably the about
box, Contact Implied Logic dialog, application title bars and error message captions.
Results periods messed up when working model out of date
Issue: The period labels shown on a graph for the working model could adopt
random values after changing an assumption in the Editor and then re-running scenarios
without the working model (leaving the working model results out of date).
Action: The run period data for the working model is still inaccessible in
such a case, but the period labels for such a chart are now suppressed altogether.
Clearer message for unit-label incompatibility in results
Issue: If you draw a graph of, e.g., Demand in Connections for two services
whose connections units differ, then STEM will report an error and display neither
unit label on the graph. However, the original error message was hard to read because
it reported too much information and did not delimit the element names clearly.
Action: The model name(s) are no longer included in the message (more often
than not it will be the same model), and the element names are now quoted.
Remove results workspace merge message!
Issue: When you run a new model through to the results program, after previously
viewing the results of another model, STEM would prompt whether to close the previous
results first. (The alternative was to load both sets of results together in the
same workspace.)
From repeated observation, it was clear that most users did not understand the text
of the prompt (already our second draft), and that 99% of the time the correct answer
would be Yes (i.e., to close the previous results).
Action: STEM 7.2c no longer prompts when you run a model through from the
Editor; the previous results are closed and you are given the option to save (or
cancel) if the previous workspace has changed. If you really want to open two sets
of results together, then the Results Program will still prompt if you manually
select Open Results from the File menu.
Option to suppress model name from chart minor titles
Issue: The minor title of a chart in the Results Program shows all the common
dimensions of the lines on the chart. The model name was always included, with the
option to show the full path; whereas it became obvious from observation that the
vast majority of charts compare results (or at worst) scenarios all from within
the same model.
Action: STEM 7.2c provides an option to suppress the model name altogether,
which is the default setting for new charts. This option (like the full path option)
can be changed on a per chart basis from the Format menu, or for all charts by selecting
Graph Format... from the Options menu.
Implied Logic brand and update settings for the installer
Action: The STEM 7.2c installer is branded as Implied Logic.
Soft-licensing from Implied Logic
Issue: STEM 7.2b and all earlier versions of STEM rely on Analysys Mason’s
goodwill in maintaining a legacy soft-licensing server. It has been a fundamental
priority to remove this dependence at the earliest opportunity.
Action: STEM 7.2c requests soft licences from Implied Logic’s own servers.
This is quickly evident in that new licence-key emails are received from Implied
Logic Support.
Advice: Although we cannot expect all users to change overnight, we have
made this a mandatory update for all current soft-licence users as the legacy soft-licensing
server at Analysys Mason will be switched off at the end of March. This means that
it will not be possible to refresh a soft licence for any earlier version of STEM
after 31 March 2011. Although this cut-off date is rather arbitrary, we have had
to draw a ‘line in the sand’ to ensure that this mission-critical system
will shortly become firmly under our sole control and repair.
The following issues were addressed in the earlier STEM 7.2b maintenance release,
29 April 2010.
The following issues were addressed in the earlier STEM 7.2a maintenance release,
27 January 2010.