STEM 7.3 is not characterised
by one central feature as much as a raft of subtle refinements all intended to make
STEM more welcoming and easier to learn. It also lays
a proper foundation for the modelling of aggregate demands (flows or operational
events) and consumable resources (including suitable accounting for stock) and puts
the automatic generation of Internet-enabled Web GUIs in the hands of regular STEM
The principal changes in functionality for STEM 7.3 compared to the previous version
7.2 are described in a standalone What’s new in STEM
7.3 guide. This is installed as part of the final STEM 7.3 software installation
and may also be downloaded directly from the panel accompanying this article. (You
will need to complete a one-off registration form if this is your first download.)
STEM 7.3 is fully compatible with models created in version 7.2, but models
saved with STEM 7.3 cannot be read by STEM 7.2 or earlier versions. STEM 7.3 is
superseded by the STEM 7.3d maintenance release.